Praying at the State Capitols

Something cranks me up and ignites me when I get in front of a State Capitol.  I was never someone who passionately prayed for our country or government leaders or system.  But as I have traveled the past 2 years from capitol to capitol praying for the president, leaders, states, regions and other things pertaining to the government; there has been a fire ignited inside of me.  A prayer fire.  I love to go to a capitol and walk about the front of the building, kneel on the steps in prayer and cut loose in whatever the Spirit of the Lord wants released and deposited.

I get excited.  I jump up and down.  I ignite.  I pray leaders may walk by and one time Governor Snyder of Michigan was within 15 feet of us as we prayed.  I get ignited that people will gather in prayer and care enough about our government.

We spend hundreds of dollars, sometimes well over a thousand dollars to hit those capitol lawns and pray for our leaders, for their strength, determination, leadership and protection.  We pray whether we are for or against their rulings and beliefs.  We simply pray according to what the Spirit of the Lord wants prayed.

We have made 2 trips to the capitol in less than a year, simply to pray.  To intercede for our president, nation, country and that we would be a nation led by God.

What are you doing to pray for your country?  What lengths are you willing to go?  We have endured rain, prayed in downpours.  We have been in brittle temperatures with winds whipping at your face and your skin red as a fire engine, even underneath layers of clothes.  Why?  All for what Jesus paid for us.  All for the sake of our leaders.  All for our country.  All for obedience.  All for the people of the U.S. so that they can live a better live led by Godly leaders and stances.

We would go to the ends of the earth to pray for our country; to be obedient to the Lord.

Would you consider this day, praying for our country?

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